Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Welcome Entry

Hey Guys,

Well I guess I'll just tell a little about myself for this first entry. I am a Senior psychology major and I have spent the last 8 months working in Dr. Purdy's lab. We are testing marine perception of different visual stimuli. Our subjects have been cuttlefish, minnows, and a failed attempt with octopuses. But we are getting more cuttle fish in a few weeks and I am really excited to hopefully finish everything by December. If anyone is interested in this please come talk to me about it, we are always looking for new members of the research team. That is what I did all summer as well as my bar tending jobs. I have bar tended at Wildfire for a while and now I am currently working at the loading dock. I work usually on weekends and a day or two in the week which fluctuates. Anyways, my interests are watching and playing all sports (I loved the Olympics) and playing the guitar. I play at the loading dock every once in a while. I'm looking forward to this semester it seems like a fun class!

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